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Friday 17 May 2019

Abrasives: Slip Stones
Round edge slip stones, Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide, Abrasives

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Abrasives: Slip Stones

Round edge slip stones are great for manually grinding a sharp edge on knife steel or taking out nicks in profiled knives. Typical slip stone applications include dimensioning curves, flat and round honing, honing bead planers, chamfering and radiusing, and other tool and die applications. Round edge slip stones are traditionally used for sharpening carving tools but are useful for many other sharpening needs when you need a round edge.

There are three types of slip stone abrasive; Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide, and Hard Arkansas. Centric Inc. can offer all three material types, but Centric Inc. only stocks the Aluminum Oxide and Silicon Carbide slip stones. Centric Inc. slip stones come in three grit sizes - fine, medium, and coarse. The grit of the slip stones is categorized into fine grit, medium grit, and coarse grit. The comparable grit rating of slip stone are as follows: Fine = 320 grit, Medium = 220 grit, and Coarse = 120 grit.

Aluminum Oxide: Aluminum Oxide stones are oiled filled and provide smooth cutting for close tolerances and a long-lasting edge. (In Stock)

Silicon Carbide: Silicon Carbide stones are also oiled filled and provide fast cutting and is load resistant for mild tolerances. (In Stock)

Hard Arkansas: Hard Arkansas stones are a natural stone that creates razor sharp edge and a near mirror finish. (Ask for Quote)

The two standard sizes of Centric Inc. slip stones are 44 and 24. The 44 size slip stone has a thick edge that is ½” and tapers down to a 3/16” on the thin edge. The overall spec on a 44 size slip stone is 1/2” – 3/16” x 1-3/4” x 4-1/2”. The 24 size slip stone has a thick edge that is ¼” and tapers down to a 1/16” thin edge. The overall spec on a 24 size slip stone is ¼” – 1/16” x 1-3/4” x 4-1/2”. Centric Inc. slip stones are available in 1ea-4ea quantity, but standard packaging is 5ea slip stones per pack. Centric Inc. also keeps a stock of medium grit half-round and triangle shape Aluminum Oxide slip stones.

For more information on this and many other products please visit us at www.centrictool.com or call us at 715-848-4242.